The Strength Specialist
Equipment and solutions for Fitness & Wellness made in Italy

Isotonic machines for muscle development in isolation
Three different isotonic lines to satisfy everyone, from the beginner to the elite athlete

Isotonic machines for global muscle development
The first strength machines with kinetic chain training for a strong and resilient physique

Lipolytic-functional circuits and specialized areas
The cardiovascular revolution to speed up your metabolism and get back in shape in no time

who we are
Design & Made in Italy
product innovation
TECA StandUp

product innovation
TECA Easytone
business innovation
The winning business model for highly profitable gyms. A super-equipped room in 60-80-100 square meters
Dynamic, ultramodern and above all high profitability, Microgym TECA is the club model that resizes spaces, investments and expenses while increasing the quality, diversification and effectiveness of services:
Proximity Gym
Fitness where people live and work. Microgym arrives in places where other clubs cannot be (places not available, high rents, lack of parking)
More Yield
Multi-target and compact machines to increase the production capacity of every single square meter of the center: train more clients in less space with different trainings,
individually or in groups.
Less Expenses, More Earnings
Simple and accessible fitness to train independently and contain personnel costs
Designed with People in Mind
TECA concepts and machines adapt to those who use them,
not vice versa: for this reason they enhance the exercise without risk of injury.
Fitness for Everyone
We create innovative machines that ensure correct posture and more precise and safe movements, making them accessible even to the less experienced.

business innovation
Perché scendere a compromessi e rinunciare alla qualità dei tuoi attrezzi se puoi avere il massimo con TECA Rent?
TECA Rent è il noleggio operativo che rende la tua palestra esclusiva, redditizia e sostenibile.
Oggi puoi aprire o rinnovare la tua palestra con questo strumento concesso direttamente da TECA. Elabora gratuitamente il tuo piano di noleggio operativo e fai decollare il tuo centro fitness.
Richiedilo ai nostri consulenti!

FIBO Innovation Award